If there is one thing that is
abundantly clear in the evidence presented, it is the fact that models of the
locations of continents in the distant past are not to be taken as gospel.
The Standard Theory has India located
4,000 miles away from its true position 65 MYA. How many other significant
errors are there?
Fortunately, Ben's Antipodal Impact
Theory has some help for paleo-geological modelers.
One of the big problems in building
models is the lack of fixed points of reference as the model moves backwards in
time. Ben's Antipodal Impact Theory can help with the problem in much the same
way that Cepheid variable stars help astronomers establish distance in space.
In astronomy, Cepheid variable stars
are used as "standard candles" to help determine the distance from earth to a
star in that galaxy. The Cepheid variable star has a constant light value.
However, scientists were fooled for
years by the fact that there were actually two populations of Cepheid
variables; one significantly dimmer than the other. This confusion caused
mismeasurement of galaxy size and distance.
Now the two types of Cepheids have been
identified and the models have been straightened out. 25
The Cepheid variable story shows the
usefulness of a standard measuring stick and also offers up a cautionary tale
about the use and interpretation of standard measuring sticks.
In paleogeology, the analog for the
Cepheid variable star is the impact crater and its antipodal hotspot.
An impact crater and its antipodal
hotspot can establish the relative position of two different locations at a
specific point in time. With enough of these pairs, modelers will be able to
create a much more certain map of geological history
especially if one
of those sites has additional information, such as the latitude at which the
lava was created.
While there aren't many major
extinctions and their attendant impacts and hotspots, there are significantly
more smaller impacts with hotspots (i.e. Chesapeake Bay). Because smaller
impacts happen more frequently, there will be many more recent pairs to work
However, finding the right pairs can be
a challenge. The antipode of the Chicxulub impact has been estimated to be in
several locations. Nonetheless, this pairing should open up new opportunities
for paleogeological modelers, with greater accuracy as a result.